Refund Policy

We strive to provide a satisfactory experience to all our customers. However, please note that our refund policy is subject to certain terms and conditions.

1. Refunds will only be considered for unused credits. If you have used any credits or made multiple calls, the refund process may not be applicable.

2. To request a refund, you must notify us within 24 hours of the purchase. Refund requests made after this period may not be accepted.

3. Refund requests must be submitted through our designated support channels, such as our customer service email or contact form. Please provide your purchase details and a clear explanation of the reason for the refund request.

4. We reserve the right to review refund requests on a case-by-case basis. Factors such as call duration, usage, and the nature of the request will be considered in determining the eligibility for a refund.

5. If your refund request is approved, the refund will be processed within a reasonable time frame. Please note that the refunded amount may be subject to deduction of applicable transaction fees or charges.

6. Our refund policy does not cover any third-party fees or charges incurred during the purchase or refund process, such as bank or payment processor fees.

If you have any questions or concerns about our refund policy, please reach out to our customer support team for assistance.